Layered wallpaper

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Guestblog by Kirsten
My 2-year-old daughter and I share a bedroom in my parents' house.
Her bed had always been adrift in the ‘middle’ of the room and I’d had to make do with a corner. I was constantly coming across beautiful bedrooms on Instagram and, I have to admit, was a tad jealous. So, I decided to completely transform our room and give Emma Lieve her very own ‘room’ within a room.
When I spotted the new Roomblush collection, I was immediately sold. I simply had to have Layered Red! I’d used the same colour paint on the other walls only a few months earlier, so it was the perfect match!
As soon as the wallpaper arrived, I hotfooted it to the DIY store to buy wallpaper paste. I’d never wallpapered anything in my life before, so was slightly apprehensive.
Fortunately, the instructions were so clear and thorough that my first-ever wallpapering job went without a hitch! The strips even come ready measured, so you know exactly where to start pasting. I completed Emma’s new section of the room in under 2 hours.
The wallpaper is also lovely and thick, and doesn’t crease when correcting mistakes. If you didn't know any better, you’d think that it was paint. Someone else said that it reminded them of a sunset. It really is a gorgeous ombre and the perfect finishing touch to the room!
I furnished the room using wood and the colour white.
Emma Lieve loves her new ‘room within a room’, and I'm proud that I managed to complete the project without any prior experience! The Ombre wallpaper is available in several colours.
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